MS/HS Daily Announcements

Burlington Notre Dame Middle/High School

Morning Prayer and Announcements

March 26, 2025

Morning Prayer & Pledge:

Please stand for the morning prayer. 

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Lord, open my eyes to see the joy You have set all around me. Help me to rejoice in You and in the incredible gift of Your son. Grow in my life and enable me to rejoice in You always. Amen

Please turn to the flag for the Pledge

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America; And to the republic, for which it stands; One Nation, under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Today is a A day

Lunch: Calzone, Corn, Garden Salad, Strawberries


  • Thursday - Tech Team Meeting - 2nd Act Period - Mrs. Eastin’s RM 13

  • Friday - No School

Any student who will be in high school next school year and is interested in learning about getting into any US Military academy please see Mrs. Willson by the end of the day on Thursday. 

Please turn in any silver cord hours for the 3rd Quarter by Thursday. 

Thursday will be a sweats day!!!

The March winners of the SAFE pledge card drawing are Joshua Lionberger, James Hunold and Sarah Hansen.  Go to the business office for your prize. 

Silver Cord Opportunity - The Knights Of Columbus need help with their highway clean up on Saturday April 5.  There is a sigh up sheet on Mrs. Willson’s office window.  Leo Club this can count as an event. 



Thursday 3/27 - HS Boys Track - Out @ 11:30