Nd News

Congratulations to Notre Dame’s Large Group Speech
Notre Dame earned three “I” or “superior’ ratings and
two “II” or “excellent” ratings at the state contest last
Saturday in Cedar Rapids
Furthermore, two of our groups have been honored with
“All-State” recognition and will attend and perform at
the All-State Festival at Iowa State University in Ames on
February 18.
The two teams who have been honored are the Readers
Theatre and Ensemble Acting groups, based on their
ratings and selection by the judges at the state
Readers Theatre members are seniors Adrian Benson,
Brayden Butler, Keaton Dacy, Nathan Edwards, Logan
Kamrath; junior Yazmin Sorensen; and sophomores
Anneliese Lachnitt, Eva Salvador, and Christianna Ziegler.
In addition, Nathan Edwards and Eva Salvador were
DOUBLE All-Staters for their performance in Ensemble
Congratulations to all of you! Good luck at All-State, and
bring home the “Critic’s Choice” banner to Notre Dame!