Dress up days for Homecoming Week!
NOTE: For 6th grthrough Seniors ONLY

Unfortunately we didn’t sell enough tables for the dueling pianos to happen this Saturday . Therefore we have decided to cancel the dueling pianos event for this weekend. All money will be reimbursed to those who reserved tables.

Available to all 6th through 12th grade students!

From the ND athletic director office

Make your plans for this fantastic event!

Still time to sign up!!!

From the ND athletic office!

Sign up today to be eligible for the t-shirt!

" The jolliest bunch of teachers this side of the schoolhouse" Notre Dame Elementary!
I got my first taste of what is like to be a teacher because it took a little bit to get this crew to settle down! Lol!

Look who's here! SANTA!!!

Pictures from the DHS Christmas party down at The Loft last Friday night.

Here are a few pictures from last weekend when ND Leo Club volunteered at Wreaths Across America at Aspen Grove Cemetery.

Don't miss out on this fun event!


From the Notre Dame Athletic Director's Office

This event is always so fun!!!! Get your table today!!!!

The Wreaths across America event for today has been postponed and rescheduled for Sunday at 11am! Hope to see you there

Students in fifth grade listened to a presentation on the study of mammal skulls from Mrs. Goodman of the Des Moines County Conservation Center. She even brought in a fox snake for students to observe

Congratulations to the winners of the God's Portion Day Raffle ticket winners!
Grand Prize $1,000 - Katie Eastin
2nd Prize $500 - Jesse Smith
3rd Prize $250 - Aaron Lawrence
4th Prize $150 - Lisa Knapp
5th Prize $100 - Ryan Rodenberg
Thank you to all who purchased tickets this year and special thanks to all who sold raffle tickets.

Bring your gifts and drop them off for expert gift wrapping!!!.
FUNdraiser for Class of 2030!