2022 State Soccer Tickets are OFFICIALLY on Sale! 💙
We want a Big Nike Crowd to Fill the Stand in Des Moines Wednesday!
Tickets are $10, so jump on the link below and get your tickets now!
School is out for the summer! Have a great summer all!
1st Grade held a Camp Read A Lot
Father James talking with kids about their summer plans this morning
The weather is going to be fantastic! You still have time to sign up!!!
2022 Notre Dame Pot of Blue and Gold winners announced!!!
TICK.....TOCK and that's a wrap of sales for the 2022 Notre Dame Pot of Gold Raffle sales! See you on Burlington Notre Dame's Facebook page for the drawing in about an hour or so!!!
Senior Fun day - photo credit to Amelia Morgan
You still have time to sign up! Don't delay!
Check out this summer music camp at the Capitol!
The Notre Dame 2022 seniors wearing their college bound shirts. We can't wait to see the places they will go and things that they will accomplish!
The Burlington Notre Dame K-5th color run was today!
Carson Wagner signed his NIL to attend St. Ambrose and continue his soccer career! Congrats !
Tonight Burlington Notre Dame Junior high presents "Annie"
Elementary students met their candy bar sales goals so a few teachers were treated to some hair coloring today! What fun!
The Chapel ceiling project is now complete. Artist Magon VanZee painted a the night sky on the Chapel's ceiling, plus we installed new lighting. Thank you to ND teachers Jennifer Baxter and Maria Roth for their inspiration and drive to see the project become a reality> Thank you to Terry Blindt, Alex & Rita Dehner, and the Kenny & Teresa Brueck families for their monetary donations to make this project happen. Thank you to Eric Renteria and United Rental in West Burlington! Thank you Ross Hopper for the fan work! Pictured Father James & Bill Maupin who both helped with the lights and and Artist Magon VanZee. Stop and gaze at the stars!
Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate awards ND their 3rd straight Carrie Chapman Catt award for voter registration ! Great job to Mr Heitman and students!
The Chapel ceiling project is now complete. Artist Magon VanZee painted a the night sky on the Chapel's ceiling, plus we installed new lighting. Thank you to ND teachers Jennifer Baxter and Maria Roth for their inspiration and drive to see the project become a reality> Thank you to Terry Blindt and the Kenny & Teresa Brueck families for their monetary donations to make this project happen. Thank you to Eric Renteria and United Rental in West Burlington! Thank you Ross Hopper for the fan work!
Pictured Father James & Bill Maupin who both helped with the lights and and Artist Magon VanZee. Stop and gaze at the stars!
Check out the new ND summer lifting program starting June 6th! For details please call or email Ashley Iehl 319-754-8431 ext. 305 or email :ashley.iehl@bnotredame.org
Open to area High School Students