We're glad you're here! More information will be added in the days to come, so keep an eye out for the official launch coming soon.
almost 3 years ago, Burlington Notre Dame School
The Seniors performed the Stations of the Cross today
almost 3 years ago, Jon Billups
Stations of the Cross by ND Seniors
Stations of the Cross by ND Seniors
Stations of the Cross by ND Seniors
Nd Seniors performed the Stations of the Cross
Cheerleader tryouts. To participate in try outs you must be registered for the team, registration opens now and closes May 9th. If you would like to know more information or sign up for try outs contact me by text or email. Coach Zang Liliyan.Zang@gmail.com 319-850-8438
almost 3 years ago, Jon Billups
Cheerleader tryouts
May 4th 5:30-7:30 @ Kenny's Roller Ranch. Free to all ND students in Prek -5th grade. Parents & siblings can join the fun for a small admission fee. RSVP on the ND PTO Facebook page. Snack and water provided. Additional snacks available for purchase.
almost 3 years ago, Jon Billups
Skate Night
Breakfast with Buddies PK-5th Grade. Friday April 22 7am to 8am. Elementary Gym. Sponsored by the ND PTO. Students choose up to two buddies to bring to breakfast: Mom. Dad, Grandparent, Sibling, Aunt /Uncle, Etc.
almost 3 years ago, Jon Billups
Breakfast with Buddies
Nd Student Council is hosting b Blood Drive for Impact Life. Friday April 8th 7:30am to 11:30am in the HS gym. Not only are we giving much needed blood to patients, ND receives funds for our Impact Life Scholarship. Email nicole.kamrath@bnotredame.org for an appt.
almost 3 years ago, Jon Billups
blood drive
25th annual ND Boosters Club Golf tournament. Friday May 27th. 4 person Best shot. Steak sandwich lunch at noon. Shot gun start at 1pm.$75 per person
almost 3 years ago, Jon Billups
ND Golf  Tournament
We're glad you're here! More information will be added in the days to come, so keep an eye out for the official launch coming soon.
almost 3 years ago, Burlington Notre Dame School
Get your Soccer shirts ordered!
almost 3 years ago, Burlington Notre Dame School
SD Republic LLC Nikes Soccer Shirt Order Form #1, #2 and #3.
Congratulations to Jenna Bentz on her signing day!!! She signed to play volleyball at Grand View University. Congratulations!
almost 3 years ago, Jon Billups
Jenna and the team